

Capita a volte (non di rado) che una birra dalla forte gradazione alcolica (oltre gli 8 gradi) non riesca a supportare “la potenza” dell’alcol, che diventa la dominante del prodotto. Non e questo il caso della Judas, bionda ad alta fermentazione belga, che ben sa gestire i suoi 8 gradi e mezzo.
L’aspetto anzitutto: limpido, quasi troppo limpido per essere stata rifermentata in bottiglia, oro chiaro; modesta la schiuma.
Gli agrumi si segnalano all’olfatto; al tatto non troppo strutturata, la Judas offre in bocca una delicata supremazia dell'”amarognolo”, giustamente seguito da una sensazione di calore. Dolce/amaro il piacevole retrogusto.
Vediamo ora, come confronto, come il produttore descrive la Judas (in inglese):
The road to perfection is difficult, but rewarding. High-fermentation beers have a very long tradition and are at the heart of Belgian beer brewing.
Among the large variety in the market only a few beers really stand out. Judas is definitely one of them. Brewery engineers with many years of experience worked hard to perfect the strong blonde Judas beer, which was launched in 1986. Careful product development combined with in-depth consumer studies created a beer renowned for its sheer drinking pleasure. Its excellent quality was acknowledged by the awarding of a silver medal at the “Monde S?lection” in 1989. Judas is a high-fermentation beer, still being brewed according to traditional principles. Only the finest barley and selected Bohemian hops are good enough for the production of Judas. After bottling this strong blonde beer undergoes a second fermentation and is left to mature for a long time, which results in a rich body and a rounded flavour. The balance between a fine aroma and subtle bitterness gives this beer a unique position in the rich Belgian beer tradition.
Product specifications:
Judas uses a mixture of hop varieties from Bohemia and other regions. Following fermentation the beer is quickly matured in the cellar until it has obtained its unique flavour. Judas undergoes a second fermentation after bottling. When it is poured into the typical cup-shaped drinking glass the beer develops a generous head.
Alc. 8.5 % vol.
Flavour: A strong ochre-coloured beer, bitter-sweet, mild and with a full, rounded flavour.
Serving hints: Store beers undergoing a second fermentation after bottling standing up at 6 to 10 C
Pour into a degreased dry glass, making sure the bottle does not touch the foam.
Use the specially designed Judas cup-shaped glass.
Pour carefully, leaving the yeast on the bottom of the bottle.
Put the glass and bottle on the appropriate coasters

Tipologia: chiara forte
Fermentazione: alta
Grado alcolico: 8.5%
Temperatura di servizio: 6/10 gradi
Confezione: bottiglia 33 cl
Prezzo: 2 euro
Maggiori informazioni:
Il nostro parere: ***/$$$ (minimo 1, max 5: molto buona ma molto cara)


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